Clayoquot Hiking Trail RatingRadar Hill is definitely one of the Tofino sights not to be missed.  It's a quick and easy walk to the top and the views are beautiful.   Definitely one of the few places in Tofino where you can see above the forest see where you are.  Almost everywhere else in Pacific Rim Park you are engulfed in trees or down by the ocean. 

  • Clayoquot Hiking Trails ProVery convenient from Tofino
  • Clayoquot Hiking Trails ProEasy hike to towering views
  • Clayoquot Hiking Trails ProInteresting Cold War history
  • Clayoquot Hiking Trails ProKorean War memorial at viewpoint
  • Clayoquot Hiking Trails ProFar less busy than other area sights
  • Clayoquot Hiking Trails ProCement foundations still remain
  • Clayoquot Hiking Trails ProAmazing place for a picnic
  • Victoria Hiking Trails ConTrail is very short
  • Victoria Hiking Trails ConNo official beach access nearby
  • Victoria Hiking Trails ConMost stay for just 15 minutes

Tofino & Clayoquot Trails

Trail Mod Dog Pay 24The Big Tree Trail Easy Trail Pay UseHot Springs Cove Steep Dog Pay 24Lone Cone Easy Trail Dog FriendlyNuu Chah Nulth Steep Hard Dog FriendlyRadar Beach Mod Dog FriendlyRadar Hill Easy Trail Dog FriendlyVargas Island Easy Dog FriendlyVirgin Falls Mod Dog FriendlyWild Pacific Trail

Victoria Hiking Trails

  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailAvatar Grove  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailBear Hill  Easy Hiking TrailEast Sooke Park  Victoria Hiking TrailElk/Beaver Lake  Victoria Hiking TrailEsquimalt Lagoon  Easy Pay Hiking Trail VictoriaFort Rodd Hill  Easy Hiking TrailFrancis/King  Victoria Hiking TrailGalloping Goose  Easy Hiking TrailGoldstream Park  Easy Hiking TrailGowlland Tod  Easy Hiking TrailGrass Lake  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailJohn Dean Park  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailJuan de Fuca Trail  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailLone Tree Hill  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailMill Hill  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailMount Douglas  Easy Hiking TrailMount Tolmie  Easy Hiking TrailSooke Potholes  Victoria Hiking TrailSpectacle Lake  Easy Hiking TrailThetis Lake  Victoria Hiking TrailWitty's Lagoon  VictoriaVictoria  VictoriaAttractions  VictoriaEasy Hiking Trails  VictoriaModerate Trails  VictoriaChallenging Trails

From Radar Hill you rise above everything and there is even a mapboard at the summit naming the visible landmarks you can see on a clear day.   Owing to Radar Hill being a military construction you can drive right to it.  The 100 metre walk to the top of the hill and viewpoints takes only five or so minutes. Radar Hill dates back to 1954 and the early days of the Cold War.  The Soviet Union was seen as a nuclear threat and a series of radar stations were built by Canada and the Unites States.  Several lines of radar stations could provide warning of an attack from long range bombers. Radar Hill was part of the Pinetree Line, the southernmost of these early warning radar lines.  Not long after its construction, however, the shift from long range bombers to intercontinental ballistic missiles made radar stations like Radar Hill obsolete.  Now, decades later, only the cement foundations of Radar Hill remain.  The large buildings that once housed the huge power generators, fuel tanks and control rooms are now the upper and lower Radar Hill parking areas.  At the top of the hill there are four large clearings.  These were the radar towers and now serve as viewing areas with seats and murals of the area and the wonderful Kap'yong Memorial.  In 1997, Canada and Korea declared the twinning of Pacific Rim National Park and the Hallyo Haesang Sea National Park(south coast of South Korea).  There is a large and moving memorial at the top of Radar Hill depicting the famous battle at Kap'yong during the Korea War.

Radar Hill Trail Map

Radar Hill serves two purposes.  The first as a war memorial that has evolved from a military radar station.  The second as an amazing place to take in the world.  Tofino is young.  Sort of.  It's only been a massive tourist draw for a couple decades.  But for a lot longer than that its been a lot more.  And Radar Hill has featured in thousands of peoples memories.  For an obvious and powerful reason.  The view is incredible.  If ever there was a perfect place to have an picnic, share a beer or toast to something.  This place is it.

Radar Hill Cement Foundations

Radar Hill War Memorial

Radar Hill Mural

Radar Hill View

Radar Hill View

Radar Hill Aerial View

Radar Hill Directions Map

Discover Radar Hill at

Hike in Clayoquot

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